How to get a job as a practice nurse or as a nurse in general practice
Probably the most common query we get, is from nurses wanting to make a move into General Practice, but who are wondering what the best way to go about it is.
There are definitely great GP practices across Australia that any nurse would love to be a part of, however, we know it can take a few tries before you find the most suited to you. This is in great part because each practice is very different, even if they share the same postcode.
When looking for the ideal practice nursing job, there are a couple of places we suggest visiting to look for available vacancies.
Where to look for practice nursing jobs
1) Our Jobs page: Always check the job listings at practice nurse central
2) Seek remains one of the largest pools of job advertisements in Australia. Make sure you search for the keywords “Practice Nurse”, “GP Nurse” or General Practice Nurse”.
3) Get in touch with the practice support officers at the Primary Health Network (PHN) in your area. They will often know of clinics looking for nurses and sometimes, may even advertise positions directly.
To find your Primary Health Network visit:
4) Contact local practices directly: You can also reach out to nearby clinics directly by sending your resume/CV along with a cover letter. Find the clinics near you by searching the National Health Services Directory.
Tips and further training to help you secure the right practice nursing job
Many practice managers in general practice are looking for nurses with skills and training around the specialty services we provide in primary care.
These skills include: immunisations, knowledge about care plans (also known as GP management plans -GPMPs- and team care arrangements – TCAs) and knowledge about the common health assessments we perform in general practice, such as the over 75yr heath assessment and the 45-49yr health check.
You can find online courses on all these areas here. These are by no means a requirement before working in general practice, but many managers and practice owners will see candidates with these skills as a valuable addition to the practice.
Do not be discouraged if you don’t yet have these skills. Make sure you let your potential employer know that you’re willing to learn and pick up these skills. You can always contact us if you need further guidance.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch via the Contact Us page if you need help with anything else.
Happy job hunting! And to learn more about practice nursing salary check out the following video